Apr 5, 2010


Our Easter weekend started with an Easter Egg Hunt at church. It was super muddy outside so the powers that be made the executive decision to let the little kids hunt for eggs inside. Tate was so funny. Mid-hunt he would stop, crack up an egg and check out what was inside.

Following the hunt children were allowed to pet a real live bunny, which Tate thought was pretty cool.

Easter Sunday began with our weekly visit to church. We were running a little late, but I managed to snap a quick picture of Tate before we hurried inside for Sunday services.

After church and lunch we headed back home where Tate discovered the basket full of goodies the Easter Bunny left for him. There were eggs with match box cars...

and a cool bunny on a trike haulin' jelly beans among other things.

And of course what kind of holiday would it be if I didn't drag out the tripod and torture the guys with family photos. Tate and Chuck sat in their designated spot while I got the camera and tripod all set up. Tate was especially amused by the timer mechanism on my camera. Chuck was equally amused at Tate's reaction to the timer.

As for the family photo, this is what I came up with..

Then there was my budding photographer son. Seriously, Tate actually took this picture of Chuck and me.

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