Nov 29, 2009


This was Tate's third Thanksgiving. We spent it at Chuck's Pawpaw and Mawmaw Johnson's house. In addition to Chuck's grandparents and Chuck, Tate and I, were Chuck's mom and dad and Uncle Randy and Aunt Rita. Tate was mesmerized by all the food.

I tried to get him to try the dressing... but that didn't work out. I just don't know where he could be getting these picky-eater tendencies from????

Besides some baked beans and a roll, Tate wasn't all that interested in food. Forever what he did eat was enough to give Tate a bean msutache.

After lunch there was plenty of fun to be had. Tate took a ride on Chuck's shoulders.

But the biggest hit of the day was his new "piano." Tate earned it by being accident free for 7 consecutive days, at home and day care. I promised him when he made it pee-my-pants-free for a whole week he would get a paino. I'm so proud!

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