Jul 31, 2009

Week 118: VBS meets Mr. Hankey

This week was a big week at South Caraway Baptist Church. Our quaint little church held it's annual Vacation Bible School festivities.
It was also a big week at 4415 Southbrook.
I was in charge of the toddler class, which was made up of the children of VBS teachers and volunteers. That being said you can imagine how hectic our week was. All week it was work, VBS, home, sleep, repeat. Our schedule was all out of whack. However, a couple of positives came out of this week. First and foremost Tate and his buddies spent time at church learning about God and Jesus. He learned that God made the birds that fly in the sky, the grass that grows on the ground and the flowers and the trees too. There was coloring and finger painting and snack time and story time. At home after a fun-filled night of VBS Tate and I would make a b-line for the restroom. Tate would settle himself on his potty chair, reach for his favorite book (a new one, I forget the title, but its a Veggie Tales book). While he studied Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber he went poo poo in the potty.
I was so happy that he was actually going in the potty instead of his diaper that I didn't mind cleaning the poo from his potty chair. Hooray for Tate! After months of patiently telling him "poo poo goes in the potty. We don't poo poo in our diaper, we poo poo in the potty." It's finally starting to sink in! Praise God!!!
You know what they say, "the Lord moves in mysterious ways."

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