No pictures this week, just a funny story about something Tate said.
While digging through his toy box my little man uncovered some long-lost toys he hadn't seen in, oh, say, a month or two. Among the treasure Tate rediscovered a pair of toy binoculars. Immediately he became inseparable from this particular toy. He carried them around the house with him, even taking them on trips to the little boys' room. He wore them around his neck while playing and every now and then he'd stop, lift the field glasses to his face and look through them. Sometimes he'd look at me while I was sitting just a few feet from him, other times peering at something across the room. Nonetheless, at some point in the evening Tate came to rest on the couch beside me.
The conversation went something like this:
Me: Hey Tate.
Tate: Hi, mama!
Me: Can you say binoculars? Be-knock-u-lars?
Tate: (something incomprehensible)
Me: Binoculars. Be-knock-u-lars.
Tate: Knockers?
Me: No baby, binoculars. Be-knock-u-lars.
Tate: Knockers!
Of course I couldn't hold back a smirk. Meanwhile Chuck goes into a full-fledged full-body-shaking-giggle fit.
That was all the encouragement Tate needed.
"Knockers, knockers!" he kept repeating.
A little bit later it was time for one last visit to the potty chair before bedtime. As Chuck and I were tag teaming Tate into his pajamas I slipped the binoculars from around his neck. This was a move those in the military would call a tactical error. Tate erupted into one of those hold-your-breath-for-10-seconds-before-you-start-to-cry fits. After the initial cry he's reaching for me with this mom-how-could-you face demanding: "I want knockers!"
It felt like one of those "Al Bundy would be proud" moments.
1 comment:
Bah ha ha ha ha! I'm actually laughing out loud here!!! This is too funny! And I totally feel your pain. Ashtyn refuses to try and say any word over three syllables. She always just omits anything in the middle and says the beginning and the end. Miss you guys!!!
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