Oct 17, 2009

Parker Homestead

I've lived in Jonesboro for 13 years and I had never been to Parker Homestead (south of Harrisburg near Whitehall). The other day Chuck brought home a flyer promoting dates for the "homecoming" weekends. What the heck, I thought, let's take Tate. It'll be fun! I was right and wrong.
First off it was extremely muddy! Yuck! Stir in chilly weather and you have the makings for a rather cranky child and an even more cranky mother. Chuck, he could have cared less. Being part little boy, the mud didn't bother him and being well insulated the cold didn't phase him either.
Everything started off well enough. We caravaned down with the Streets (John, Becky and Emalyn). They brought a wagon for the kids to ride in, a stroke of genius on their part.
First stop, a gigantic barn, which the kids thought was cool. Next we dallied over to pet this ornery old white mule.

Tate had fun on the see-saw with Uncle John...

And rocking on the front porch with Emalyn...
He was mesmerized by all the sites. He was especially fond of the blacksmith and, of course, the cannon!
Tate loves music. So you can imagine how he was drawn to the guys that were "pickin' and a grinnin.'" He had a bird's eye view from his perch on Chuck's shoulder.

The boys paused for a moment at the mouth of the covered bridge. This was mainly so I could take a picture. We explained to him the covered bridge was like a tunnel. He thinks tunnels are cool, so I think Tate enjoyed studying it.

He made friends the rooster and the scarecrow, who he promptly introduced Chuck and I to.
It went something like this:
Hi! Me Tate! This is mommy, daddy.

He happened upon this unmanned miniature booth that offered dry goods, such as canned jams. Tate, being the good natured little guy that he is, he thought he'd lend a helping hand.

We visited the church...

Then it was time to study the tractors!

Somewhere in the middle of all that Tate had a little melt down. Thankfully it was short-lived. All in all it was a good day and a fun family outing!

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