Apr 24, 2009

Adventures of Tate: Sleepover at Nana and Pawpaw's

This week Chuck and I let Tate skip school for a couple of days to spend some time with Chuck's parents. Chuck knew he was going to be working late, I was nursing a hamstring injury and we both thought Tony and Cora Sue needed a fun and happy distraction from the recent duties associated the death of Chuck's grandfather. That being said, the three of them had an absolute blast together!

I missed my little man terribly, but looked forward to our telephone conversations (at least two or three times a day). They went something like this:

Tate: Ello?
Me: Hi Tate!
Tate: Hi my mama!
Me: Hi Tate. Are you having fun with Nana and Pawpaw?
Tate: Hi mama!
Me: Hi Tate. What did you do today?
Tate: Hi my mama!

Well you get the picture.

From the reports I received I understand there was lots and lots of time spent at the playground, some hanging out at the house and maybe even some bird watching???? Regardless, a good time was had by all. I know I barely let go of him when he came home on Wednesday.

Following are some pictures from Tate's adventure this week.

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