Mar 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Tate

Tate turned two today. I absolutely cannot believe he is two! As I was putting him to bed tonight I thought back to the day he was born and the 700 and some odd days since then. I told him happy birthday one last time and added "it's been the best two years of my life." It really has. Of course, not everyday has been a bowl of cherries, but I wouldn't trade any of them for the world!
Wednesday I took Tate to the mall to pick out a nice new outfit for him to wear on his birthday. At the store I picked up a shirt and Tate immediately grabbed it, said "Tate's" and hugged it. "Okay," I thought, "on to the pants."
The pants weren't quite as easy, but in the end we agreed on a pair of jeans.
This morning after a quick shower with Dad, Tate was looking sharp in his new digs. Off to school for another day of learning. At 2 Chuck and I popped in to the daycare with cupcakes for snack time. I think the kids enjoyed the sugar supplied by icing-covered cupcakes. After the special snack Tate decided he was going with us so we pulled him out of school a little early.
In observance of his birthday, we went to Barnes and Noble to let Tate pick out a book. That back fired (on me) Tate discovered the train in the back corner of the store AND ended up with three Little Einstein books. (I can't help it, those blue eyes get me every time!)
Next we headed to Chick-fil-a for some chicken nuggets and quality time in/on the indoor playground with dad. Then it was home and time for milk and some quality couch time with mom. I am amazed at what I big fan Tate is of Grey's Anatomy (LOL)!
What a great kid!


sdhorton said...

Wow. 2 already. Motherhood has been great! I know you love it.

Ashley Dobson said...

Happy Birthday Tate!!

Amy Barrett said...

I can't believe it has been 2 years either. I remember the first time I met you and Chuck you were 8 months pregnant (I think). Anyway, I was excited you guys were coming to our church because you were joining the rest of us pregnant mammas!

I love the pictures, especially the one of Tate eatting the cupcake with Emmalyn looking at him like he is "messy" and the one of him in the hat!